My Books

Helping you create accessible goals to take you exactly where you need to go — no matter what life stage you’re in.

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Achieve your goals—no matter how big or small—with these 50 simple challenges that actually fit into your life, using this accessible and self-paced approach to self-improvement.

Looking to improve your relationships? Be more confident at work? Eat less sugar? However you want to be better, Get Your Life Together (Ish) is here to help with fifty simple, actionable challenges to self-improvement. With reward-based challenges ranging from easy to hard, this book will be with you every step of the way in your journey to the person you want to be.


Make the most out of your college experience with these manageable self-care tips that are easy to incorporate into your busy college lifestyle.

As a student in college—you’re dealing with a lot. At times this can be physically, mentally, and emotionally draining between classes, homework, activities, and building a new social life for yourself. But the secret to making sure these are the best years of your life is making time for self-care. In this book, find realistic and practical self-care activities that you can try right away to maximize your college experience. Each activity is designed to help you refuel, such as making sure you get enough sleep to developing an exercise routine. Start making time for you and make your college years the best of your life—all while building lifelong habits for success and happiness for years to come.

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Banish negative thinking once and for all and shift into a happier, stress-free mindset with these 400 ways to seeing the best in every situation.

Whether you’re having a bad day, are suddenly faced with a difficult situation, or you’ve found yourself in a bit of a rut, this is the perfect guide to getting back to a positive mindset. This book includes 400 totally manageable activities that will bring back your smile with ease! You'll discover that it doesn’t take months of work or a total life overhaul to live a happy lifestyle. All it takes is the simple, actionable advice in this book to start changing your mindset immediately. Start your journey to optimism and happiness now.

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